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In This Future

Speculative Design


'In This Future' explores the present-day realities of consumption and well-being in everyday life to present alternate futures explained through fictional artefacts. Each artefact represents an alternate future as a result of the extrapolation of present-day cultures, behaviors, and actions. These explorations are presented in a book titled 'In This future'. The book features 12 futures, each chapter starts from the present, telling stories of familiar everyday life based on research and personal findings. The chapter’s ends with artifacts and descriptions of an alternate future. The book takes you from the familiar to the unfamiliar through artifacts that may be unseen, confusing, or even uncomfortable. In addition, exists as a digital archive for these alternate futures, allowing viewers to visit them through augmented reality. The aim of the project is not to predict the future or provide solutions, but rather to create dialogue, debate, and reflections around our present-day aspects of consumption and well-being.


In this future consumer devices communicate energy consumption through visual cues.

Consumption Lighting

Anchor 1
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